Sunday 12 January 2014

To post my OLDEST of the old, back in 2011... ...

These pencil drawn works are shown to the SIDM lecturers during the "Direct-Poly Admission", DPA for short back in 2011 August I believed,

I was very nervous and scared as other students have drawings size out of A2 paper, and they seems to know how to draw more than I do (who am I kidding, isn't that a given). Here I feared that I won't be selected by the SIDM lecturers due to my poor portfolio that I draw back then. The result was "Please come back again for the 2nd time." At that moment, I thought of 2 possibilities.

One. They are giving me second chance, due to my poor works in hand and wanted me to try again.
Two. They wanted to see my efforts in doing something that I want.

So I braced myself and draw a bit more, man the 2nd interview, it was even scarier but I got my placement in it, I was really happy at that moment of time.

What a lengthy recap of mine, anyway here are the works that I used for my DPA portfolio.

Seems like the 1st time I draw in my whole life (exclude doodles) is on 6th Nov 2010.

and yes, I love anime, even till now : p