Thursday 10 April 2014

Learning new skill set, Zbrush!

Realize that I have not touch this blog for 2 months, it tells myself a lot of stuff,
anyway, our school have given some students an opportunity to learn something extra during the school break, and I was luck enough to get selected and learn it! That is Zbrush! but the catch is we need to learn and model, rig and animate in less than 20 days, which will then be showcase in Singapore Art Science Museum on 6th April (Which the event was over already) as part of the "Sunday Showcase" over there.

Anyway, I only learn the basic skills in sculpting, never really learn how to fully utilize other stuff like material, lighting etc.

Here is what I modeled, the theme was dinosaurs, and I modeled an Euoplocephalus, but many visitors who went there keep saying its an Ankylosaurus.

A BPR from Zbrush

A Mental Ray from Maya

Monday 3 February 2014

Pencil sketches on children and aging

Did 3 children studies, with some rendering.

3 Children pencil studies

As well as 3 aging process of a person, in this case, I used Morgan Freeman as an example to study the aging process. The middle age version of him, to me somehow looks like Sazh from FFXIII.

Morgan Freeman aging studies

Thursday 30 January 2014

Putting it into practice

Some other old works that I'm putting into practice on fine tuning my artwork.

close up on the eyes, study a bit and try painting it.
Close Up Eye render 

I imagine a hard-boiled man will wear shades, with a pompadour hairstyle and smoking it.
Hard-Boiled man


I'm a huge fan of the tales series, have been since 2006! Tales of Legendia, such a nice RPG, with interesting visual, battle system and most importantly, stories! Personal fan art I managed to draw out for the past 2 years.

Can't wait for Zestiria! 2 years time will go by in no time!

Tales of Graces - Asbel

Tales of Vesperia - Yuri

Tales of Xillia - Alvin

Tales of Xillia 2 - Juilus

Tales of Xillia 2 - Jude

Tales of Xillia - Leia

Tales of Zestiria - Slay

Cottage sunrise

A old work I managed to fish out form my folder,

this is kind of a cottage with a windmill, with sunrise to enjoy.
My aim is to actually play with colors that is not natural like the real world. In this case, I add "green clouds".

Cottage sunrise

3D texturing work

A 3D texturing work that has a span of 4 weeks, this is just a still image, by next week, I will have a video uploaded onto my blog.

An old hideout

Interesting styles out there

I like Pascal Campion a lot, so many emotions and feeling in his artwork, most of his works have a lot relation with his family, very heartwarming to see it actually.

Anyway, I have this assignment that we need to study artist ways of drawing, and try to apply it as our own, one time I tried and later put it to the test, this is just a simple artwork of one of my past times.

My experiences was me drawing outside starbucks, with people walking past me and stand behind me watching me draw passer by people, and an old man just sit beside me, treat me to a coffee and talked to me, man it was nice, I got free coffee after all :D

personally I like stylized arts, so I will be trying out more variations!

A talk with an old man

A few digital works of mine

I'm still a rookie in this line of work, but I always give it my utmost best, in trying out and explore my skills and admit my weaker side.

some landscape artwork I did during my free time, I tried this in seeing how I can use colors properly.

If I have to say, the 1st one I have, to me is a "failure" artwork, but it still have its own value to me, so I have to give my thanks.

These works here are a bit earlier, check the dates!

A cottage in the forest

Dusk time in a grassplains

Sunset in a tropical forest

Artwork on digital landscape

I'm always captivated by many interesting artist out there, like environment landscape, character artwork, stylized arts and more out there.

And so I just draw and paint, without much thoughts into it, which resulted in these.

These works are very old, can see the dates at some corner.

The red house

Autumn is Orange!

Cliff side sunset 

Lunar New Year welcomes the horse! and a few drawings

I have sketches and idea concepts on how am I supposed to create a horse-like artwork, and my 1st step is doing horse studies! but I ended up being late in creating it :P.

Beside horse studies, I did cat and dog studies. After all, every animal have different bone structures.

Horse full body
Horse skeleton

Horse in shapes
Bobcat full body 
Bobcat skeleton

Bobcat in shapes

Wolf full body

Wolf skeleton

Wolf in shapes

Friday 24 January 2014

my 2nd visual development work

My 2nd visual development work, which was kind of fun for me despite my hellish schedule, we need to create a complete visual "bible" that was needed to present the "client", anyway, I post some of my few bible pages here.

my 1st visual development work

Ah, I was so busy with work and school that I totally keep on dragging on and on, and not posting something here,

anyway here are some visual development homework I need to do months ago, these are works that comes in fruition after 4 weeks of doing many sketches, planning and hard-work painting, since I wasn't too comfortable doing work with my tablet, even till now.

Need to extract some artist drawing style, improvise and draw/ paint based on it

Sunday 12 January 2014

I'm a fan of Stephan Chow

Man I love Hong Kong Films, especially the comedy types and one of my favourite is Stephan Chow Chow Sing-Chi.

Even some of the films he directed was worth watching, Kungfu Hustle is one of my favourite :)

So of course this is my art diary, of course I draw a portrait of him! with reference picture of course :)

Stephan Chow

Portfolio for Y1S2

Another portfolio that I need to come up with, at that moment of time, I was part schooling and part working, since my family finance wasn't all that great that time. Oh but I still do my homework diligently that is for sure, in a way is also a ways of self-discipline, in balancing both school and work time.

Here are some works including school and personal works

A title slate for a storyboard homework